Rhymes with the same as

173 Results
a x Noun, Adjective, Verb, Adverb
Aa /x Name, Adjective, Verb
able /x Adjective, Verb, Noun
above x/ Adjective, Adverb, Noun
ac / Noun, Adjective, Adverb
acceptors x/x Noun, Verb
actual /xx Adjective, Noun
addition x/x Noun
aforementioned x/xx Adjective, Noun
aforesaid x/x Adjective
agonist /xx Noun
albeit x/x Other
alike x/ Adverb, Adjective
alone x/ Adverb, Adjective
along x/ Adverb
also /x Adverb
although x/ Other
amoral x/x Adjective
analgesics xx/x Noun
analogous x/xx Adjective
analogue /xx Noun, Adjective
and x Noun, Verb, Adjective
androgens x/x Noun
anticoagulants xxx/xx Noun
antioxidants xx/xx Other